
Summer 2011:

Liping, Brittany, Derick, Jimmy, Matt, Ben, and Lyle

December 2012:

Jimmy and Lyle at graduation.

January 2013:

Top Row: Liping, Lyle, Shirley, Ben

Bottom Row: Liz, Brittany, Shweta, and Kristin

Spring 2013:

Isaacs group members eating lunch after hearing President Obama speak at the Naval Academy graduation ceremony.

Summer 2013:

Shweta, Sergey, Liz, Ben, Brittany, Liping, and Kristin wearing their organizer polos at the start of the 8th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC-8) in Arlington, VA.

Summer 2013:

Shweta, Liz, Brittany, and Kristin attend the Women in Chemistry meet and greet at ISMSC-8.

Summer 2013:

Shweta, Kristin, Ben, Lyle, Liz, Brittany, and Liping attend the ISMSC-8 banquet.

Summer 2013:

Organizer photo which includes the members of the Isaacs Lab, Amar Flood's group (Indiana University), and Jeff Davis' group (University of Maryland.)

September 2013:

Sergey's going away lunch.

Liping, Shweta, Lyle, Liz, Ben, Brittany, Sergey, Mingming, and Kristin.

April 2014:

Celebrating Liz's Masters defense in Lyle's office.

Ben, Liping, Brittany, Liz, Shweta, David, and Mingming (Lyle behind the camera)

April 2014:

Lyle and Liping pose with their Angewandte Chemie International Edition frontispiece on Liping's last day in the Isaacs Lab.

August 2014:

The Isaacs group celebrated Laura's last days by going out to lunch.

Soumen, Chris, Ben, Mingming, David, Lyle, Laura, Brittany, Shweta, and Xiaoyong

Fall 2015:

The Isaacs group celebrated Daniel's last day by going out to get drinks.

Xiaoyong, Soumen, Brittany, Daniel, Shweta, Sandra, David

Fall 2015:

The Isaacs group at the Chemistry/Biochemistry department Christmas party.

Xiayong, Brittany, Sandra, Shweta, Soumen