Short Biography

On the island of Taiwan was I born, and I grew up in the rural area of Pingtung where a lot of exotic fruits like pineapples, star fruits, lemons and green mangos are grown among hundreds of other economical crops. My family immigrated in 1993 to Winnipeg, Canada where I have taken the oath at a citizenship ceremony since I was 18. It was also in Winnipeg, where I would consider it my second hometown now, I attended high school and obtained my post secondary and graduate degrees. White snow like diamond flakes coming down from the night sky has become a part of my unforgettable memory of Winnipeg, inevitably covering my winter coat in the chilly air while I was shoveling the 'white stuff' away from the garage to the front yard sidewalk in countless winter nights.

During my graduate studies, I had the opportunity to take on a role as a summer sessional instructor in 2007 and 2008 and really enjoyed teaching large statistics classes designed for nursing students. The teaching experience helped my skills at interacting with students on individual and group basis, translating my knowledge into creative teaching and designing of course material towards the need of students. Before my Ph.D. diploma was mailed to me in the February of 2012, I joined the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada as a postdoctoral fellow in the November of 2011. Since then my career life of research began ...



在2007與2008年暑假我任職過系上兼任講師,授課大一基礎統計。在教學中學生給予的反饋讓我學習到,如何與學生溝通,能即時的對他們提出的建議去準備教材,如何去幫助學生建立信心,使他們勇於嘗試有挑戰性的統計與數學問題,並且更深入了解相關的統計概念。至今我也仍保存著課程結束後,學生經過校方予我的教學評價與反饋,學生們的建議讓我獲益良多,提高了我對教育的熱忱。我於2011年的11月開始在加拿大Alberta大學的小兒科系擔任博士後研究員,並於2012年2月取得博士學位。我的研究生涯自此開始 ...