on writing

Date: 4/7/2018

0. Purpose of this document

I have been on more than 50 student committees since 2014. Revising manuscripts has been the main time-consuming task for me. Often the time was spent on formality issues. For examples, students may use different text editors than me. To ensure we spend our time efficiently and focus on science, hereby I establish the following guidelines.

If you expect me to REVISE your thesis, proposal, and manuscript, make sure you follow the following requirements.

I WILL NOT revise if you DO NOT follow the rules.

1. Document format

A. I ONLY edit documents in MS Word format. I am using Word installed on a MacBook. It is good if you can use the same

B. I will not edit PDF

C. (Don’t tell me how great LaTex is; I know. I have been using TeX for 15 years. I am still using it myself. But I am supervising a large number of students and I do not have the time to edit your LaTeX script.)

D. !!!! Save Word document OFTEN. Save as to a different name once in a while. Word crashes! !!!!

2. Text adjustment

A. Align text left

B. (don't use Justify Text)

3. Exception

If you just want to get my opinion/comments on your manuscript, you can send me your PDF. However, do not expect me to revise.

4. Editing main text & Figure caption numbering

A. Figure. Use MS Word automatic Figure caption numbering (insert your figure to Word -> right click your inserted figure and “Insert Caption…”)

B. Citing Figures. To cite the figure number in text, use MS Word automatic Figure citation (i.e., “insert"-> cross-reference --> “Refrence type=Figure” + “Insert reference to=only label and number”)

C. Headings. Use Word styles (Heading 1 for Chapters; Heading 2 for sections etc.) with automatic numbering. Google yourself to learn how to use this feature.

D. Table of content. “Insert” --> “Index and Tables …” to automatically generate the Table of Content

E. List of figures. “Insert” --> “Index and Tables …” to automatically generate the list of figures.

5. Editing math formula

A. Must use Mathtype

B. Must use Mathtype’s automatic equation numbering

C. Must use Mathtype’s automatic citation of equations

6. Cited References

A. Must use Endnote

B. I know there are many other options available. But sorry. This is the only format I accept if you want me to revise your manuscript.

7. Disclaimer

Both MathType and Endnote are not free. This is not an advertisement for them. Rather, following these rules will ensure we use our time more efficiently.