
Further information and instructions for each visualization are available by clicking the "About" button in the visualization's page.

Popular terms comparison - compare term popularity by state, for example "chicken" vs "tofu", or "beer" vs "wine".

Tweet terms heatmap and Tweet topics heatmap - create a heatmap showing the locations of tweets matching a particular term or topic. The heatmap is useful for finding the highest concentration of tweets related to a term or topic.

Normalized term heatmap and Normalized topics heatmap - create heatmaps showing the locations of tweets matching a particular term or topic, renormalized by total tweet density in each region.

Temporal histogram - visualize popularity of terms in tweets by time: either hourly, daily or monthly.

Tweet terms locations - visualize the locations of tweets matching a particular term.

Popular words tweeted by state -- Visualize the most popular food words tweeted in each state. Results can be seen for individual months or aggregated for the entire time period. Popular words automated shows an automated progression through the monthly data.