
The truth on losing abdominal and buttocks fat

Tosing abdominal and buttocks fat

Changes in body shape are accompanied by changes in blood fat and sugar levels.

Your body stores fat wherever you have fat cells. The midsection of your body (your abdomen, hips or buttocks) is the best place to store extra energy because it takes less energy to carry it around.

Fat is lost all over your body, not just in the area that you need. Therefore, there is no food, no exercise, and no herb that will cause your body to remove fat in one place versus another.

Using liposuction to remove certain fat cells from your body end up causing a redistribution of fat to other locations that you might not have expected.

Moreover, a patient whose BMI exceeds 40 is a potential candidate for surgery if they strongly desire substantial weight loss, because obesity severely impairs the quality of their lives. There are many types of bariatric surgery. They can include surgery to restrict the size of the stomach and/or surgery to bypass parts of the digestive tract. All of these surgeries carry risks, some of them serious.

There are a number of products on the market for weight loss. Many products that claim weight reduction abilities are not regulated however. Before taking any medications, supplements or other products to induce weight loss you should discuss the issue with your doctor. Some products can interfere with medications you are already taking or could cause other problems.

To get rid of body fat, do it the right way: through diet and exercise, and not through cosmetic surgery. A diet that is low in cholesterol and fats and limited in sugars may help control blood fat and sugar levels. Aerobic exercise three or more times a week for 30 minutes may also help control blood fat and sugar levels. Exercise and moderate weight lifting can increase lean body mean (muscle) and improve body shape.

Losing weight is a process by itself that you must learn continuously in order to succeed. Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. Start reading about nutrition, fat, calories and exercise.