CareEx: Extended Family caregivers of persons living with dementia


The CareEx Project is dedicated to examining the unique experiences of non-traditional caregivers—such as grandchildren, siblings, nieces/nephews, and step-kin—providing care and support to relatives living with dementia. We believe that understanding the challenges and rewards faced by these often-overlooked caregivers is essential in supporting their well-being and promoting effective caregiving practices.

To learn more about the project and our findings, please visit the CareEx Site

The CareEx project is funded by the National Institute on Aging


Karen A. Roberto, PhD: Director of the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE)

Tina Savla, PhD: Professor in the Department of Human Development

Aubrey Knight, MD: Medical Director, Impatient Palliative Care, Carilion Clinic Center for Healthy Aging

Current Team Members: