AMSA Conference, Queensland, July 2011

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Click here for poems, art and music used in the presentations.

Other papers and articles relevant to these lectures:

Talks and lectures:

Finding God in Empty Spaces: a visual theology of the in-between: paper given to a conference on The Place of the Arts in Cathedrals, Durham Cathedral, 26th to 28th September, 2010. Download Powerpoint presentation.

'Art, Mystery and Wonder': address at the annual service of the Royal Academy of Artists, St. James's Church, Piccadilly, 7th June, 2010

'Virgins, Lechers and Angelic Encounters: the visual representation of theological ideas': professorial lecture given at Roehampton University, October 2009

'Haunting Art: the quest for mystery and meaning after the death of God': paper given at a conference on Cathedrals and the Visual Arts, Sarum College, Salisbury, September 2009

'"Let Nature Leap for Joy and Let Women Be Honoured": Historical Developments in Catholic Marian Symbolism': paper given at an ecumenical conference, The Place of Mary in the Christian Traditions, Sarum College, Salisbury, December 2008

Insight Beyond Sight: Sacramentality, the Eucharist and Gender with reference to the Isenheim Altar: paper given at the annual conference of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, September 2006.

Articles in The Tablet and The Pastoral Review (formerly Priests and People):

Garden of the New Eve: Eve and the Virgin Mary (19 December 2009): article about the hortus conclusus in Christian art

'Simple Gaudete of a Complex Believer' (17 December 2005): article on cover illustration by Andy Warhol

Kitsch, culture and the laughing Madonna (May 2003): article on the elusive presence of the Virgin Mary in western culture.

Beauty Back on Camera (26 February 2000): article on the film American Beauty

The Patient Vigil of Holy Saturday (April 2000): A Reflection on J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace