Lyon 2016

Analogies between number field and function field: algebraic and analytic approaches

27 June - 1 July, 2016, Lyon, France

Institut Camille Jordan

Aim and scope

In the arithmetic study of global fields in non-zero characteristic, several advances have been made by understanding analogies between number fields and function fields. With this conference, we would like to see the two worlds (that of the arithmetic over the rational integers and that of the arithmetic of the polynomial rings in one indeterminate over a finite field) interact along specific topics such as difference Galois theory, multi-zeta values and L-functions. The conference will includes five series of lectures given by specialists in these domains, and several talks.

We would like to point out that the following conference will held in Lyon one week before and may interest some of particpants of this conference.

Organizers: Thomas Dreyfus, Federico Pellarin,Ambrus Pál, Rudy Perkins.

Scientific committee: Bruno Anglès, David Goss, Ambrus Pál,Federico Pellarin.


If you would like to attend to the conference, please, send an email to Thomas Dreyfus: dreyfus[no spam]

Lectures (4h each)

    1. Approche galoisienne de la transcendance fonctionnelle by Charlotte Hardouin (Toulouse, France).

    2. An introduction to multi-zeta values by Masanobu Kaneko (Fukuoka, Japan).

    3. An introduction to multi-zeta values in characteristic p by Dinesh Thakur (Rochester, USA).

    4. The group S(q), its actions and zeroes of L-series by David Goss (Columbus, Ohio, USA).

    5. Arithmetic of abelian varieties over global fields by Ambrus Pál (Imperial college, London, UK).

Talks (1h each)

    • G. Böckle (Heidelberg, Germany)

    • Linear relations among double zeta values in positive characteristic, by Chieh-Yu Chang (Hsinchu, Taiwan)

    • Periods of Drinfeld modules and local shtukas with complex multiplication, by Urs Hartl (Muenster, Germany)

    • Special L-values for Drinfeld modules on elliptic curves, by Matt Papanikolas (College station, USA)

    • Représentations des groupes de Galois des corps de nombres à valeur dans des corps locaux d'égale caractéristique, by V. Pilloni (Lyon, France)

  • On Kawashima's relation among multiple zeta values, by Shuji Yamamoto (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)

Schedule and abstracts

Here is the scheduleof the conference, and the abstract of the talks

Practical informations

The conference will held on the Institut Camille Jordan. All the lectures/talks will be given in the amphi Gouy, Lippmann building. The link connects you to a map of Lyon with several points of interest marked. In particular, the location of

the conference amphitheater Gouy in the Building Gabriel Lippmann is indicated, as well as several places where to eat lunch in the Campus, withdraw cash, etc. If you decide to book by yourself an hotel, we recomand

hôtel Azur, Villemanzy, Odalys Confluence, and Les Estudines Saxe-Gambetta. Please, keep in mind that the european cup of soccer will held in Lyon in the same time than the conference. Therefore, the room hotel should be booked as soon as possible.

Confirmed participants