File 01569

----- Original Message -----

From: "Kall, Mogens" <>

Newsgroups: se.vetenskap.astronomi

Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2004 10:11 AM

Subject: Ny planet muligvis fundet

01569 news:ZhFZb.94370$

___ quote ________________________________________________________


CNN Text P110 Sat 21 Feb (2004, CET) 09:55:37

New world found beyond Pluto

Astronomers said Thursday they have

found a frozen object 4,4 billion

miles from Earth that appears to be

more than the planet's moon.

If confirmed, the so-called planetoid

would become the largest object found

in our solar system since the ninth

planet was first spied in 1930.

(citat slut)

Jordens afstand til solen er ca. 150*10^6 km.(1 AE-enhed)

Plutos afstand til solen er ca. 40 AE.

Ny planets afstand til solen er ca. 45 AE.

Med venlig hilsen

Mogens Kall

The servant of Michael.


1547 news:3G_Yb.93563$

