This is our old website!

Best to check the new website at our snazzy personalized address

Our the internal page is the same.

Free Bike Clinic at the Bike House

Saturdays from 12 - 3 PM, Petworth

This and every Saturday this summer, join us at the Bike House to have your bike fixed and learn basic maintenance tips to keep it running . The Bike House is a newly-formed bike coop on a mission to help all people work on, learn about and enjoy bikes.

Bring your bike and any spare parts you have and we’ll show you what you can do. If you don’t have a bike, come on down anyway and we’ll point you in the right direction.

If you need help with your bike, or want to help others with their bikes, please stop by!


Qualia Coffee

3917 Georgia Ave., NW

2 blocks north of Petworth green/yellow line Metro stop

Buses #70/71/62/60

We're in the backyard. Look for signage.

Questions? Contact