La parte dentro del tempio

Antonio Labacco, Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente a l'architettvra nel qval si figvrano alcvne notabili antiqvita di Roma (Rome, 1552), p.12

Trajan's Forum was the last of the Imperial fora to have been built in ancient Rome. This monumental structure is located between the Quirinal and the Capitoline Hills. But what Labacco identified as the lateral galleries of the Temple of Trajan were actually the remains of the Temple of Mars Ultor in the adjacent Forum of Augustus, built over 100 years prior to the inauguration of Trajan's Forum in 112 C.E.. In fact, the Temple of Trajan has never been fully excavated, and is only known through depictions on coins. Here we see Labacco's reconstruction of what he thought was the interior cella of the Temple of Trajan. In this fanciful recreation of the cella's interior, Labacco adorns it with classicizing statues, most of which resemble the work of Renaissance sculptors rather than ancient statuary types. The depicted opus sectile decoration of the cella's floor recalls, however, both the pavement of the Forum of Augustus and that of the Pantheon, which were well known in Labacco's time.