Graphical Design in action

Post date: 19-Nov-2011 22:16:15

This is GRUMM, a computer-sculpture-robot-piece of art created by Miguel Ángel "MaaB" Aguilar Brenes, whom I met in the Campus Party Milenio.

MaaB has a youtube video channel where he shares his videos. This is a presentation of his work with Grumm:

Grumm started as a little sculpture made of paper made by Matthijs "mck" C. Kamstra. Miguel Ángel liked it and decided to make a big computer using Grumm as a case and giving it movement, lights, etc.

To make this, Miguel Ángel first designed everything using Google Sketchup. He shared his designs in a public gallery, you can download them!

Then, he took his graphic design to a place where they cut all the metal.

After that, he built the structure. You can see him using a riveting tool in the video above.

He put in some motors and lights to make it more interesting.

Lastly, he checked his work.

You can see how MaaB followed the technological process (1. Problem or need -> 2. Research -> 3. Design -> 4. Make -> 5. Evaluate) and why it is important to know graphical design.

Update: In the following video you can see Miguel Ángel designing his next project, THE FLY