
New publication

Taeyoon Jeon, Amirhossein Nateghi, William Max Jones, Changsoon Choi, Juan Pablo Cardenas, Charles Ross, and Axel Scherer, "Development of Compact and Robust Mid-Infrared Spectrometer by using Silicon/Air Hyperspectral Filter", ACS Photonics (2022)

Taeyoon Jeon*, Jieun Myung, Changsoon Choi, Komron Shayegan, and Axel Scherer, "Novel Deposition Method of Crosslinked Polyethylene Thin Film for Low-Refractive-Index Mid-Infrared Optical Coating", Sensors, 23, 9810 (2023) - Invited for Special Issue Feature Papers in Physical Sensors 2023, * Corresponding