The immersed boundary (IB) method is a general-purpose numerical method for simulating fluid-structure interaction. The IB formulation of such problems uses an Eulerian description of the fluid and a Lagrangian description of the structure. Interaction equations that couple the Eulerian and Lagrangian variables take the form of integral equations with delta function kernels. For general information about the IB method, see http://math.nyu.edu/faculty/peskin.

BAMR is a distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method with support for Cartesian grid adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) developed by Boyce Griffith. Support for distributed-memory parallelism is via MPI, the Message Passing Interface.

Core IBAMR functionality relies upon several high-quality open-source libraries, including:

  • SAMRAI, the Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure
  • PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
  • libMesh, a C++ finite element library
  • hypre, a library of high performance preconditioners that features parallel multigrid methods for both structured and unstructured grid problems.