Letters Home

August, 2018

June 2018

Dear Parents of Incoming Fifth Graders,

One of the many goals we share for our students is that each child will become an avid reader. In an effort to support the achievement of this goal, we have a summer reading requirement for students entering fifth grade. While we are not assigning specific titles for your child, we are asking your assistance in helping your child select and read a minimum of three good books this summer. We fully expect that most children will exceed this minimum. Please understand that your child will be expected to read one book every three weeks throughout the year, once school begins in the fall.

2017-2018 fifth grade students should be prepared to do project work based on the books read during the summer. The fifth grade teachers will assign related learning opportunities during the first week of school. They will also expect each child to bring in a summer reading log (see other side of this letter) so that they can be aware of each child’s summer reading.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support of this goal to encourage and improve our students’ reading habits.


Marty Sorell-Lacasse