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E-mail: estarr(at)umd.edu

Address:  Robert H. Smith School of Business, 7621 Mowatt Lane #4512,  College Park, MD 20740

I am an Associate Professor of Management & Organization at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. I currently serve as an Associate Editor in the Organizations Department at Management Science, and as an Associate Editor at the Strategic Management Journal.

My research examines issues at the intersection of labor markets, human capital, entrepreneurship, and technology, with a focus on employer-employee contracting practices related to postemployment restrictive covenants. My research has been covered in major news outlets including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, NPR, Financial Times, and The Washington Post, in addition to appearing in leading journals in management and economics such as Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Human Resources, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, the Journal of Law and Economics, and the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization

I originally hail from Claremont, California and graduated with a BA from Denison University. I received my PhD in Economics at the University of Michigan and I was formerly a professor at the University of Illinois. At the University of Maryland I teach undergraduate, MBA, and PhD-level courses strategic management and PhD and undegraduate courses in empirical methods.