Divorce Lawyer Arlington VA Divorce Lawyer Arlington Virginia



A divorce is an overwhelming event and it is shrouded with complexities and expenses. Divorce lawyer Arlington VA, with substantial experience and expertise in the law, can ease your problems. Many couples-to-be divorced take to the internet for self-help. One word of advice for them is, while you can get a general understanding of the subject, it is impossible to read your partner’s mind on how they will react to various family-related issues like child custody, visitation, spousal support, property division, debt management, etc. Since all this involves an emotional quotient it is not possible to judge a person by mere theoretical knowledge. It is here the experience of divorce lawyer Arlington VA from reputed firms like the Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. can help a great deal.

Divorce Child Custody Lawyer Arlington County Virginia

A divorce lawyer Arlington VA spending substantial time to know the complex structure of the law and can provide the best solution to terminate your marriage smoothly. Couples going through a marriage dissolution marriage must understand the crucial aspects of family law and who else could give you knowledge on the subject than a reputed divorce lawyer Arlington VA.

The divorce lawyer Arlington VA is bombarded with questions from those seeking to terminate their marriage, and the answer to these can definitely help to arrive at an informed decision. It is almost impossible to get an answer to all related queries but you can resolve common issues with the help of divorce lawyer Arlington VA.

Ending a marriage to you may be an emotional issue involving your family members but for a divorce lawyer Arlington VA it is a legal issue. Absolute marriage or divorce a vincula matrimonii is the complete termination of a marriage. Another type is called bed and board dissolution and this is referred to as et mensa et thoro. This type does not end a marriage. It is an old law and results in modern dissolution and is strategic in nature. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA uses this for grounds like cruelty, abandonment, or desertion.

Fundamentally, ending a marriage is simple, it is the couple who make it complex, taking it to the court to resolve the differences. From filing a petition to getting the final decree, there are a host of procedures to be followed by law and require specialized divorce lawyer Arlington VA. Not all dissolution needs to take the litigation route. Many couples have not stepped into a courtroom and yet have terminated their marriage. This is possible if you have a settlement agreement in place. It helps to resolve most of the issues. A divorce lawyer Arlington VA can draft a settlement deed with all reasonability helping to settle the issue through uncontested mode.

Contested dissolution is an alternative mode and it requires a court appearance. The process is laborious and the couple resorts to this method if an agreement is not reached between the two. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA drafts a partial settlement agreement and this restricts the contentious issues for the judge to resolve. Moreover, it helps to control the cost. Remember, terminating marriage is an expensive proposition and hence only crucial matters need to be taken to the court.

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a special tool used to help couples resolve their disputes. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA from both sides talks about this method to their clients to get their issues resolved.

Court decision on divorce

The judge signs the decree only when all issues are resolved. This does not mean that specific agreement are settled. If the couple wants their marital property issue or debt issue to be handled by the judge, they can do so with the assistance of a good divorce lawyer Arlington VA. The couple can seek the assistance of the court setting aside property division or debt settlement if you are unable to reach a consensus. A divorce lawyer Arlington VA can be of great support in such circumstances to decide on what issues have to be resolved first and what can wait.

Moreover, it is important to resolve all the issues pertaining to the family like child custody, visitation, and child support while property division, debt management, and spousal support can wait for the court to resolve. The reason why division of property can wait is that it is too technical and needs the help of divorce lawyer Arlington VA. The spouses that are not able to agree on the marital property can leave it for the time being and get other matters settled first with the help of divorce lawyer Arlington VA.

Important ground for dissolution of marriage

In contested dissolution, your divorce lawyer Arlington VA brings in solid ground and it is mentioned in the complaint. The grounds have to be mentioned in the complaint including time, date, description of the event and the allegations have to be informed by the victimized spouse to the other. Your divorce lawyer Arlington VA will inform the allegations to your spouse in fault-based dissolution.

Bed and board grounds could be willful desertion, cruelty, or abandonment. There should be proof of bodily harm without any time restriction when it comes to bodily harm. The proof should be such that it makes it unsafe for the other spouse to live together. When the bodily harm is sufficient to result in endangering the physical or mental health of the spouse, then it is called mental cruelty. Your divorce lawyer Arlington VA establishes the evidence for this type of ground for an easy win. While desertion can be briefed as leaving the marital home with an intention to desert completely.

In the case of a bond of matrimony, the grounds include adultery, felony conviction, sodomy, and confinement for a year or separation for a year. Adultery when proved with convincing evidence by the divorce lawyer Arlington VA can be a solid ground for ending a marriage. An unshakeable proof applies in civil proceedings. The offense should be proved beyond doubt by the divorce lawyer Arlington VA but not as high as in the case of criminal proceedings.

To end a marriage under this, both the parties have to live separately at least for a period of a year without any interruption. The separation has to be authenticated by a third party and it is taken as a testimony, as self-authentication does not stand validated. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA works towards a strong testimony.

No-fault dissolution has become the quick route and in many states, it is being opposed due to its simplicity leading to the increase in the divorce rate. Some states have even openly called to make the process difficult. Yet in Virginia, no-fault divorce includes a long waiting period with counseling, mediation, negotiation before the couples enter into a marital separation agreement. All this gives the couple time to think over their decision before taking the drastic step.

The reason for bringing in tough rules is to make the process complicated to give the couple a chance to reconsider their decision. The state makes it tougher for those with minor children keeping in mind the best interest of the kids. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA uses collaborative methods to bring in an understanding and resort to the ultimate step only when negotiations fail.

Separation requirement

In the state of Virginia, there is no requirement for legal separation but the couple has to be separated for 1 year if they have minor children and for 6 months if they do not have minor children. In the case of no-fault divorce separation criteria has to be completed. Talk to your divorce lawyer Arlington VA for more clarity on the prerequisites.

Benefits of retaining a reputed divorce lawyer Arlington VA

The assistance of divorce lawyer Arlington VA is crucial and cannot be ignored. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA takes care of filing the paperwork, negotiating a settlement, intermediating between you and your spouse, reviewing offers to verify its legality, overseeing the division of property, and protecting the right of the clients.

Modern-day politicians are doing all they can to preserve the fabric of marriage in the best interest of the children. They are bringing in stricter divorce laws to keep families intact. No-fault divorce makes the process easier and it comes in handy in cases involving domestic violence. A study at the Stanford University has gone to prove that no-fault divorce has decreased domestic violence as they seek unilateral divorce. Resolve your difference and come to an agreement with the help of divorce lawyer Arlington VA for legally ending your marriage.

It is believed that it is ideal for children to live in two stable separate homes than in an unstable environment with both parents on loggerheads. Forcing couples to stay together can only aggravate the problem for the family. Get your differences resolved with the help of divorce lawyers Arlington VA.

Despite the precautions taken by the state and the family, divorces do happen and nothing can stop it. The divorce lawyers Arlington VA ensure the situation is conducive and the settlements are amicable. Coming to an understanding in the early stage is the best way to settle the crisis. The divorce lawyer Arlington VA will help in this context without compromising on the rights of the couple and also protect the interests of the children. Once the divorce is complete, other issues related to child custody can be discussed with divorce lawyer Arlington VA and any contentious issues can be taken before the court.


1425 North Courthouse Road

Suite 2400, Second Floor

Arlington, VA 22201


1425 North Courthouse Road

Arlington, VA 22201


P. O. Box 925

1425 North Courthouse Rd, Ste 4100

Arlington County Justice Center

Arlington, VA 22216