
A selection of my own models.

Wizzbang the Power squig (before capture) - JuJu squig in it's natural habitat

The finished Stalagsquig family

Got a load of random bitz on eBay recently - this Dankhold Troggoth club seemed right for a Stalagsquig conversion...

It's a work in progress, a cute little stalagsquig family (if there is such a thing).

More photos to come

Many hours went into creating my interpretation of a Wyrdsquig

I always thought the original illustration looked sorta like a cloud of warp matter from which squig faces would appear from, so that's what I tried to build. Let me know what you think. 

I wasn't sure how to base it initially, in the end I thought it would look cool almost as if it's erupted from some "squig-egg" fungus puff balls as a cloud of spores.

Wyrdsquig conversion
wyrdsquig gif

Just having fun with a little conversion. Not sure what type of Squig it is - maybe a previously undiscovered cave lurker. Looks slightly Nurgle-esque.

Squig hoppers with the rider removed and new horns added

Mimic or Parrot squig - started off as a conversion but I may as well have started from scratch as there's little of the original model visible!

My attempt at a "Leafy Squig" - I figured it might be camouflaged in some way. I used plastic ferns and greenstuff to get the effect.

Colossal Squig


Having found out about Scorpisquigs, I wanted one of my own. As GW doesn't make one, I decided to build my own.

This combines a squighopper head and body (minus the tail) with legs from a spiderrider and a tail from a 90s Fiend of Slaanesh.


Boom Squig

Just sitting there minding it's own business, until an unaware trooper comes stomping along...

Boom Squig

Wondering what to do with those extra squig heads from the new hopper set? Check out the next few entries...

Great Spider Squig - old plastic spider with squig head and some green stuff. OK, she's only got 6 legs but then so do the original tyranid/ork spider squigs. Plus I couldn't save the last pair of legs since I wanted to keep the abdomen intact.

Spider Squig

Old style plastic "cold one" fits nicely with the new squig heads and doesn't require too much green stuff skills to fill the gap and mimic the armoured skin

Large cold-one squig conversion

If you're a 40k Ork fan, you may have converted a few plastic boars into cyboars and have been left with a few boar rear ends. I was pleased to discover that the new squig heads fit well with these.

Boar squig conversion
Boar squig

Finished product - well the base could do with a black trim

When your squig hopper riders aren't extreme enough - how about a squig riding fanatic or doom diver

Squig hopper fanatic
Squig hopper doom diver
Squig hopper conversation

Classic cave squig with rider converted from old fanatic with weapon swap

Bat squig

Squig with bat wings and greenstuff fur / eye

Night goblin boss riding big squig: original plastic goblin (with metal boss head) and knight legs riding Skarnik's Gobblar

Boss squig conversion
Squig conversion

Classic squighopper miniature with the rider (and horns) removed

Unicorn squig

Second series squig with added horn

Gas squig

Bomb squig with bombs removed - converted into a gas squig.

Must get around to repainting it sometime.


Scratch built Swab Squigs

Syringe squig - plastic spike from chaos kit and skink legs plus green stuff.

Kinda looks like a Kiwi but being as I'm in New Zealand, that's all good with me :)

Tomb Squig

Tomb Squig - modified hopper

"Slightly smaller than regular Squigs, they are pasty white or pale grey in colour and have small, blood red eyes"

Parasite Hunting Squig

Converted from an original Tyranid head with spider legs on a 30mm base. Inspired by the parasite hunting squig, though it'd have to be a giant one.

Squig hunter boss - old plastic goblin with whip from skaven beastherder kit

Goblin with bolas  for Squig catching

Converted Night goblin - the net is an old cloak covered with greenstuff and some skulls attached

The Voice of Mork

I've been wanting to create a war drum for my Night Goblins for ages. I finally got around to it.