
A Report Card for any TweeterTweeterScore is an easy way to pull a summary of information about anyone on Twitter. It uses the Google Docs spreadsheet functions ImportFeed and ImportXML to grab data from Twitter using the Twitter API.There's a lot going on in this TwitSheet. Pick any tweeter (by screen name) and enter how many prior tweets to grab (between 5 and 500 - you decide, since fewer is faster than a few hundred). You'll get:=> Chart of duration between tweets

=> Tweeters basic info, including self-description, latest tweet, number of followers and friends (people they're following), URL, Image link, Location and total tweets.

=> Top @reply targets (known issue that @name's which end in colon or comma, etc are not yet counted as equal to @name with no suffix in the text)

=> FollowFactor: Ratio of followers to following (are they followed more than they follow others?)

=> Quietness and Chattiness: how much do they tweet?

=> Link-i-ness: how often do they include a link in their tweets?

=> @Replyness: how often do they include an @reply ?

Also, there are some customizations... you can change the charting buckets... so if you find a tweeter who is very chatty - feel free to re-distribute the categories to see more detail int the 5 min. to 1 hour periods. I tried to start you off with useful charting bands, but figured it was better to let others change this.

There are 4 sheets in this TwitSheet:

1 - TweeterInfo: This is the interactive reporting sheet. You just enter two bits of info and watch the report generate. No need to visit the other sheets at all.

2 - User Timeline: This is where the detailed data is grabbed from twitter. Interesting to see, but don't muck with it ;)

3 - Settings: This is where you can change set up some changes in the main TweeterInfo charts. If you like what you see, leave this one alone.

4 - Trend data: seemed useful to be able to copy/paste data for several tweeters in one place to compare and keep for later comparison... all manual for now.

If you want to play with this - you can CLICK HERE to GET YOUR OWN COPY...