Lottery Number Picker

This FREE spreadsheet takes on the simple task of picking random numbers for you so that you can have the same horrible odds of winning as if you picked the numbers yourself. It lets you select how many numbers you want and the maximum value of the numbers you are allowed to choose (depending on the Lottery Game you are playing).

If you want to learn a method of picking some number of UNIQUE random numbers out of a range of values - you can check this one out... You'll need to click here to Make Your Own Copy. Just REQUEST ACCESS and I will send you the link to your own copy.


- Enter the number of numbers you need to obtain.

- Enter the maximum value of the numbers being picked in this lottery game.

- Your Lottery picks will be shown! Click the "Pick New Numbers" button to get a new set of numbers.

Disclaimer: This tool makes no representation that it can increase your chances of winning the lottery - in fact, you're probably better off doing it yourself, since the author of this spreadsheet makes no guarantees that it is bug free.

Lottery Number Picker