
The game is designed to run on recent Windows based operating systems with no intention to port to other systems at this time.

The content development team is using 3DS Max & Cinema 4D for modeling, rendering and all round animation, Particle Illusion for Special Effects Animation, Adobe Photoshop for Painting, texturing and image optimization, and Thunder Power Sprite Builder/Thunder Power Image Collector for internally built sprite tile generation.

The engine, framework, and game are written in C++ as a native Windows application using Visual Studio 2005. We are making use of OpenGL and OpenAL in addition to alternative subsystems using DirectX.

Regardless of the underlying technologies, the platform on which the game is built is our own elegantly engineered framework. Its design incorporates some of best software engineering practices of the world's most prominent game studios combined with delicately knit design patterns to create an architectural masterpiece.

Our tools are developed using .NET, mostly in C#. Some minor tools are also coded in C++.

We are handling issues and bugs using Mantis which we are hosting on our own server. For source control we are also hosting our own Subversion server.

Finally, we are using CruiseControl.NET as a build server.