Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Early days of suffering

Sundarapandian was born in a Christian family of a village, called, Vellanvilai, in Tuticorin District, Tamil Nadu, India on 20-5-1935. This village was the native place of the late Bishop Assyria of the pioneer evangelical mission in India, called the Indian Missionary Society. After completing his primary school education in his village, he joined a secondary school in Megyanapuram. When he was studying 9th standard in this secondary school, his father fell ill. His father brought him up through Christian religious ways. He was very strict with his son for attending church and Sunday classes regularly and used to enquire from his son about what he learnt out of the Sunday sermons.

Sundarapandian used to help the sextons arrange the church services and stood first in the Sunday class. During this period, his younger sister who was studying 8th standard suffered from Pneumonia for 3 days and died. This came as a great shock to him with the result that he preferred to remain alone, always wept and thus insulated him from the rest of the world.

With the passage of time in this manner, all of a sudden, his father also fell ill. His father shed tears before his son due to unbearable pain in his body. This broke his heart and he wondered whether there was any God at all. Then his father died. After the untimely death of his father, he was engulfed in deep sorrow and discontinued his studies. He began to cry and murmur over the tragedy that struck his life. He had no peace of mind. He could not eat. He was very much confused.


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