FIEMSER ontology



The Fiemser ontology describes the main classes of the Energy-focused BIM model and WSN-related data that are part of the FIEMSER data model. The ontology describes the building space organization in terms of the Building, BuildingPartition, BuildingSpace and BuildingZone classes. A building partition defines a part of a building managed by either a dweller (e.g., a flat) or a facility manager (e.g., a common building area). A building space defines the physical spaces of the building. A building zone defines a functional area in the building that will be controlled as a unique zone. A building consistsOf some building partitions, a building partition consistsOf some building spaces, a building zone consistsOf some building spaces. The Fiemser ontology also describes the devices (Device class) used in the building in terms of HomeEquipment and ControlledDevice.

A HomeEquipment is any home appliance or mechanism to increase building energy efficiency, such as Generator, Load, Mechanism and Storage. Generators represent devices that provide part of the energy required by the building, for example, PV (of type ElectricalGenerator) and Boiler (of type ThermalGenerator). Loads represent devices that consume energy and offer a service to the user, for example, TV (of type ElectricalLoad) and Radiator (of type ThermalLoad). Mechanisms represent devices that are installed in the home to increase its energy efficiency, but don not generate or consume energy by themselves, for example, a Blinder. Storage devices represent devices that store energy and can be used to provide convenient energy management strategy, for example, Battery (of type ElectricalStorage) and Tank (of type ThermalStorage).

A ControlDevice represents a device directly connected to the FIEMSER control infrastructure and used to monitor and/or control the environment and its appliances. A control device consistsOf some ControlComponent that can be a hardware component (Sensor or Actuator or CommDevice) and a software component. An Actuator is any actuating hardware installed in a control device, such as a Dimmer, Switch and Controller. A Sensor can be a MeasurementSensor (e.g., thermostat) or StateSensor (e.g., presence). A communication device (CommComponent) identifies the communication devices used for data exchange and uses a specific Network protocol (NetProtocol class).


  • The Fiemser ontology describes the main classes of the Energy-focused BIM model and WSN-related data that are part of the FIEMSER data model. Although also the other 6 models of the FIEMSER data model contain relevant information, it was not possible to include them in the current version of the ontology. It is therefore advised to do so as part of future work.
  • The source used to create the ontology is a secured pdf from which the information could not be automatically copied. As a consequence, comments that could better explain the ontology may be missing.