
If you know exactly what you are going to do, what is the point of doing it?

Pablo Picasso

Research papers: [ INSPIRE | Google scholar | Mathscinet ]

My current research interests include: conformal and quantum field theory, the conformal bootstrap and the renormalization group, both perturbative and nonperturbative (e.g. tensor network renormalization). 

You can get an idea about my recent research activities from "What's new" blog on the home page, and from the annual IHES activity reports: 2020, 2021, 2022.

Various other areas of theoretical physics and mathematics I worked on in the past:

I was active in the above topics in the years leading to the LHC, until 2011 or so (see e.g. this experimentally outdated non-technical review of EWSB or my last paper on the transplanckian scattering). However, since LHC did not turn up any spectacular Beyond the Standard Model result, I'm currently maintaining only casual interest in these subjects.

A collection of links to the recordings or slides of some talks (pre-2016, more talks linked from my Home page):