SJSU Alumni Association

Santa Cruz Area Chapter

All SJSU Alums and family, and friends of San Jose State University, are welcome to join our area chapter.  We were specifically organized to foster San Jose State University, provide social and educational activities for Spartan Alums, and to provide support for academic and Marching Band Scholarships.  The scholarships are funded by donations from alumni and the community.

Check out the various pages located on this website to see specifics about our programs and activities!

Chapter Awards Seven New Scholarships for 2024-2025

One high school and six Cabrillo College Students will be receiving scholarships to attend San Jose State University this coming academic year

Valeria Cortez-Baez

Natalya Hammond

Christina Haslam

Jacqueline Mendoza

James Olivia Salguero

Sriman Ujhanthachhen

Paola Vizcarra

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 scholarship recipient SJSU graduates

Three of our scholarship recipients have graduated this spring and we congratulate them on their academic success.  Congratulations to Tyler Erwin, Noely Escalante, and Martine Dykstra.

Annual Member's BBQ and meet our scholarship recipients will be held Sunday, October 6th 

Join us for a free members BBQ on October 6th at Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton.  The event is free to members and open to family and friends for the cost of the BBQ.  The event will begin at 11:00 am and end at 1:00 pm. Our scholarship recipients will be in attendance and will provide us with information on their SJSU experiences.   Members may purchase discounted Forrest Steam Train tickets.  Contact Carolyn Lewis at for rsvp and ticket information.

Six Santa Cruz County Students Awarded Scholarships to 

San Jose State University for the 2023-24 Academic Year 

Emily (Mikaela) Anderson 

Elin Bray-Zoreque 

Laura Cifuentes 

Nathaniel (Nate) Dow 

Mizelle Ferrer 

Nadia Ramirez-Cerrillos 

The following students were awarded academic scholarships:  


Emily (Mikaela) Anderson is a transfer student from Cabrillo College, majoring in English/Professional and Technical Writing.  After experiencing difficulties at her first high school and transferring to an alternative high school (which Mikaela says was “the best decision [she] could have made”), she graduated a semester early.  At Cabrillo, she found a career pathway in the field of professional writing.  Specifically, she envisions herself as a professional grant writer in the nonprofit sector.  She knows that the education she is pursuing will allow her to give back to the world.

Elin Bray-Zoreque is a graduating senior from Scotts Valley High School.  He will be majoring in Justice Studies with a concentration in Criminology.  He hopes to follow in the footsteps of several relatives who have had careers in law enforcement. While a student, Elin played baseball all four years on the JV and Varsity teams.  He also maintained a part time job.  He is proud to say that he always tried to put “student” in the term “student athlete”.  He challenged himself by taking honors and International Baccalaureate courses and earned a very commendable grade point average.


Laura Cifuentes is transferring from Cabrillo College with a major in Social Work.  She comes from a low-income immigrant family and plans to work professionally with just such groups when she completes her degree at SJSU.  She will be the first person in her family to attend and graduate from college.  Laura currently works in a program that serves low-income families with children ages 0 -5.  She is passionate about the work she does and will bring that “real-life” experience to her academic studies at SJSU. 


Nathaniel (Nate) Dow is a graduating senior from Aptos High School, where he played soccer all four years, winning several awards and serving as Captain in his senior year.  He also pitched in when the football team needed a kicker (having never played football previously!) and helped bring the Aptos team to second place in the league.  Nate has run his own business since he was 13 and maintains a part time job.  Academically, he has challenged himself by taking several Advanced Placement courses and maintained an excellent grade point average.  Nate will major in Interdisciplinary Engineering with the goal of eventually creating his own business that will help others.  


Mizelle Ferrer is a transfer student from Cabrillo College who will major in Sociology with a long-term goal of becoming a social worker or counselor.  She and her parents are immigrants from the Philippines.  She experienced racial discrimination as a child and wants to work with young people to help them feel confident in expressing their racial, sexual, and gender identities.  She has worked part time at Cabrillo and has used what she has learned to help other students advance and achieve.  She has also maintained a very strong grade point average.


Nadia Ramirez-Cerrillos is a graduating Senior from Aptos High School.  She will be majoring in Sociology with the long-range goal of becoming a family or immigration lawyer.  She comes from a low-income, single-parent household; her mother immigrated to the U.S.  Nadia states that she wants “to be able to help people with things that affect their ability to make the most of this country.”  Nadia played on the school volleyball team all four years and worked or volunteered part time as well.  She was also active in school clubs and organizations.  This busy and dedicated young woman also took Advanced Placement courses as well as a Cabrillo College course to advance her studies at SJSU.

Congratulations to three of our Chapter’s scholarship recipients for graduating this past May, 2023:   Melissa Martinez, graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Theatre Arts, Natalia DuVernois, graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Child and Adolescent Development, and Gabby Sandoval, graduated with a degree in Materials Engineering and will be starting a SJSU master's program this Fall.   

Melissa Martinez 

Natalia DuVernois

Gabby Sandoval

Congratulations to two of our Scholarship Recipients, Michelle Ibarra and Alex Uribe, on their graduation from San Jose State this past Fall Semester.

Alex graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and is now working for Granite Construction Inc in Watsonville and Michelle graduated Magna cum laude with a degree in Psychology.  We are proud of their accomplishments.