Unity3D experiments and more

Post date: 28-Jan-2013 02:15:42

Firstly, SteelWorks. I finally worked out why level loading and saving was failing in the Unity web player - Application.persistentDataPath is disabled there (and the documentation isn't very forthcoming about it.) So the web version now runs correctly, and even has instructions embedded in the web page. I've also tried my hand and creating some standalone builds (which do support loading and saving) - please try them out and give me feedback.

Secondly, I've returned to one of my first Unity experiments - drivable vehicles using WheelColliders. Having learned a heap about Unity in the meantime, I still charged full-tilt into the same problem as last time - my vehicles roll over at speed. After experimenting with my own 'anti-roll force' solution, I cannibalised what I found here to make my own anti-roll-bar solution. With vehicle speed capped, it's reasonably stable - try it out here. (WASD for driving, camera rotation with middle mouse button, zoom with mouse wheel, SPACE for vehicle reset.)

Thirdly, I scored an early birthday present.

That's a Pololu Zumo robot (chassis, sumo blade and Arduino shield) two metal motors to drive it and an Arduino Uno to control it - with an Arduino starter kit thrown in for all the other things I plan to do with that Arduino. Nice work with the packaging, Little Bird Electronics. :)

(And as a postscript, I finally scored 100% on Everclear's Santa Monica - Rock Band 3, Pro mode Drums, Expert. A great, darkly funny song and a real pleasure to play - very satisfying. :) )