Contact Us

Sacred Heart School of Halifax was founded in 1849, and is both the oldest girls’ school in Canada—and the youngest boys’ school in Canada. The school is now co-ed through Grade 6, with a separate boys’ and a separate girls’ high school. We believe we are the only school in Canada offering both a single sex boys’ high school and a single sex girls’ high school.

Sacred Heart School of Halifax and Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart are located opposite The Public Gardens at

5820 Spring Garden Road,

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

B3H 1X8

Telephone: (902) 422-4459 (Ms. Pat Nichols)

Head Coach Kathryn Bjornson:

Camp Coach, Mr. Brian Casey, who runs our debate camp, does not work at the School, so if you have questions it is best to call him directly at:

Work: (902) 460-3468

Home: (902) 423-8457
