Other Than Economics

I wanted to come up with a quirky "About Me" page name and the creative juices flowed and came up with what you see right now.

Here's me in a snippet.

  1. I'm a proud Hyderabadi Bengali (Bengali by birth, Hyderabadi by existence)

  2. I've lived in 8 different places, including my current location

  3. I can speak 6 different languages (English, Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, French, and Marathi).

  4. Like all Bengalis (bongs as we are referred to), I dabbled in a bit of writing for a while.

  5. I decided to do the next very Bengali thing to do, which is to become an Economist.

  6. I love to dance. Okay, let me reemphasize - I LOVE TO DANCE. I learned Kuchipudi and Odissi, and taught Bollywood dance for a while. I want to open a dance school some day, and also get a dance degree. I currently pursue Odissi under the tutelage of Shipra Avantica Mehrotra.

  7. I love Harry Potter, I secretly want to be Hermione Granger, but don't we all...

  8. I am a Netflix ADDICT.

  9. And not to forget - I went to University of Houston for my bachelor's degree and my graduate degree. True UH Coog at heart.

  10. My most recent crowning achievement is that I won a Haiku contest conducted by Dr. Joshua Angrist. I will now contemplate retirement.

For more information on the 10 bullet points, you know where to find me. Also, if you'd ever like to get Bollywood in your veins, you know where to find me. Secretly, that means, PLEASE find me.