Privacy Policy for Android Apps

1. The developer declares that all applications that are developed for Android  without built-in Score Center do not collect any personal information of users. 

2. Applications that have the built-in Score Center might store users's personal information if users choose to register to the Score Center; these user information will be used mainly for the operation of the Score Center system and occasional important contacts; passwords are stored in encrypted  format to avoid possible leakage under evil attack. 

3. Applications that can avoid using internet connection will not use internet connect.

4. Applications that are using internet only tend to provide users with quick access to the developer's homepage, online help file, demo video, advertisements, and/or online leaderboards, including Score Center.

5. The privacy policy might be changed and will be updated here.

6. If you have questions, please contact the developer at 

(last update 2017/05/15)