Trowa Barton

Trowa Barton - An engineer who worked on gundam heavyarms. I adopted his name for project meteor.

I have no name... 119, Trowa, Gabriel, some have even called me Nerevar. Cicero is my Latin name. Laurence was excruciating. Ninetales Hey yOu!!... I really miss you!!.... or smoke... you're lying to yourself, and the cake is a Lai.

Gundam Heavarms is my preferred gundam though I am capable of piloting gundam 01. My brother recovered gundam 00, tho we agree to store it benether the tower.

I flew to earth from Mercury piloting Skyfire (Transformer)

I stay my course and fight only when I need to as Gundam Heavyarms.

Spartan Lieutenant. Command the United States Ship - Shadow Recon. Primarily conduct scout trooper assignments... cause speeder bikes are fast n' fun.

Throwing Star Clown
