[3DSMax] Plug-in "FumeFX Priority"

This tool was created and used at Blizzard to iterate different types of fluid simulation to fit the art direction at the most.


local  FFXSRoll,FFXSTool,FumeSel,FFXSLogo
global  Rp = getFileNamePath rendOutputFilename
global  Rf = getFileNameFile rendOutputFilename
global  Rt = getFileNameType rendOutputFilename

global simFilesList

rollout FFXVol "FumeFX Creator" width:240 height:240
  edittext objName "Name " pos:[8,119] width:110 height:18
 button btnAdd "Add Selection" pos:[8,8] width:110 height:16
 button rmvBttn "Remove" pos:[120,8] width:110 height:16
 spinner strFrame "Start Frame  " pos:[41,144] width:76 height:18 range:[-50000,50000,100] type:#integer 
 spinner endFrame "End Frame   " pos:[156,144] width:76 height:18 range:[-50000,50000,200] type:#integer
 button btnVolFume "Generate FumeFX" pos:[8,166] width:224 height:24
 listBox objLst "Object Selected" pos:[8,29] width:224 height:5

 local ObjSel = #()
 on btnAdd pressed do
  getObj = for i in selection collect i
  if ObjSel.count == 0 then
   for i  in getObj do insertItem i ObjSel 1 
   ObjSelList = for p in ObjSel collect p.name
   objLst.items = ObjSelList
   for i in getObj do
    local nameCheck = 0
    for j = 1 to ObjSel.count do
     tempSel = i
     if tempSel.name != ObjSel[j].name then
      nameCheck = nameCheck + 0
      nameCheck = nameCheck + 1
    if nameCheck == 0 then
     tempSel = i
     slot = ObjSel.count + 1
     insertItem tempSel ObjSel slot
     ObjSelName = for k in ObjSel collect k.name
     objLst.items = ObjSelName
     messagebox (i.name +" is already on the list")
 on rmvBttn pressed do
  if objLst.selection != 0 then
   s_Item = objLst.selection
   deleteItem ObjSel (s_Item)
   ObjSelName = for i in ObjSel collect i.name
   objLst.items = ObjSelName
   messagebox "No Object Selected"
 on btnVolFume pressed do
   for i = 1 to ObjSel.count do
    tempObj = ObjSel[i]
    slidertime = strFrame.value
    for i = strFrame.value to endFrame.value do
     min1 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_min1" position:tempObj.min)
     max1 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_max1" position:tempObj.max)
     min2 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_min2" position:[max1.position.x, min1.position.y, min1.position.z] )
     min3 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_min3" position:[min1.position.x, max1.position.y, min1.position.z] )
     min4 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_min4" position:[max1.position.x, max1.position.y, min1.position.z] )
     max2 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_max2" position:[min1.position.x, max1.position.y, max1.position.z] )
     max3 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_max3" position:[max1.position.x, min1.position.y, max1.position.z] )
     max4 = (box scale:[.01,.01,.01] name:"get_max4" position:[min1.position.x, min1.position.y, max1.position.z] )
     slidertime +=1

   collectGet = $get_* as array
   for i = 1 to collectGet.count do
    addmodifier collectGet[i] (edit_mesh()) 
    collapsestack collectGet[i]
   for i = 1 to (collectGet.count - 1) do
    meshop.attach collectGet[collectGet.count] collectGet[i]
   bBox = collectGet[collectGet.count]
    newmin1 = (dummy name:"box_min1" position:bBox.min)
    newmax1 = (dummy name:"box_max1" position:bBox.max)
    newmin2 = (dummy name:"box_min2" position:[newmax1.position.x, newmin1.position.y, newmin1.position.z])
    newmin3 = (dummy name:"box_min3" position:[newmin1.position.x, newmax1.position.y, newmin1.position.z] )
    newmin4 = (dummy name:"box_min4" position:[newmax1.position.x, newmax1.position.y, newmin1.position.z] )
   delete bBox
   pointB =$box_min3
   pointC =$box_min2
   pointD =$box_max1
   getFumeLength = distance pointA pointC
   getFumeWidth = distance pointA pointB
   getFumeHeight = distance pointA pointD
   posX= (pointB.position.x + ((distance pointA pointB)/2) )
   posY = (pointC.position.y + ((distance pointA pointC)/2) )
   posZ = (pointD.position.z - ((distance pointA pointD)) )
   getName=ObjName.text as string
   getFume = (FumeFX name:getName)
   getFume.position = [posX,posY,posZ]
   getFume.length = getFumeLength
   getFume.width = getFumeWidth
   getFume.height = getFumeHeight
   delete $box_* 

rollout FFXSTool "Simulation Priority" width:240 height:320
 listBox fumePri "FumeFX Priority" pos:[8,43] width:190 height:12
 button upBttn "UP" pos:[202,58] width:28 height:79 images:#(arrup(),arrup(),1,1,1,2,2)
 button dwBttn "DW" pos:[202,141] width:28 height:79 images:#(arrdw(),arrdw(),1,1,1,2,2)
 button btnAdd "Add Selection" pos:[8,8] width:110 height:16
 button rmvBttn "Remove" pos:[120,8] width:110 height:16
 button strSimBttn "Start Simulation" pos:[8,224] width:224 height:16
 button strSimRenBttn "Start Sim and Render" pos:[8,245] width:224 height:16
 checkbox sWavelet "Wavelet" pos:[80,27] 
 checkbox sPost "Post" pos:[148,27] 
 checkbox sStandard "Standard" pos:[8,27] 
 local FumeSel = #()
 on btnAdd pressed do
  getFume = for i in selection collect i
  if FumeSel.count == 0 then
   for i  in getFume do
    if classof i == FumeFX then insertItem i FumeSel 1 else messagebox (i.name +" is not FumeFX type")
   FumeSelList = for p in FumeSel collect p.name
   fumePri.items = FumeSelList
   for i in getFume do
    local nameCheck = 0
    for j = 1 to FumeSel.count do
     tempSel = i
     if tempSel.name != FumeSel[j].name then
      nameCheck = nameCheck + 0
      nameCheck = nameCheck + 1
    if nameCheck == 0 then
     tempSel = i
     slot = FumeSel.count + 1
     if classof i == FumeFX then insertItem i FumeSel slot else messagebox (i.name +" is not FumeFX type")
     FumeSelName = for k in FumeSel collect k.name
     fumePri.items = FumeSelName
     messagebox (i.name +" is already on the list")
 on rmvBttn pressed do
  if fumePri.selection != 0 then
   s_Item = fumePri.selection
   deleteItem FumeSel (s_Item)
   FumeSelName = for i in FumeSel collect i.name
   fumePri.items = FumeSelName
   messagebox "No FumeFX Selected"
 on upBttn pressed do
  if fumePri.selection > 1 then
   s_Item = fumePri.selection
   insertItem FumeSel[s_Item] FumeSel (s_Item - 1)
   deleteItem FumeSel (s_Item + 1)
   FumeSelName = for i in FumeSel collect i.name
   fumePri.items = FumeSelName
   fumePri.selection = s_Item-1
 on dwBttn pressed do
  if fumePri.selection != FumeSel.count then
   s_Item = fumePri.selection
   insertItem FumeSel[s_Item] FumeSel (s_Item + 2)
   deleteItem FumeSel (s_Item)
   FumeSelName = for i in FumeSel collect i.name
   fumePri.items = FumeSelName
   fumePri.selection = s_Item + 1
 on strSimBttn pressed do
  if sStandard.checked == false and sPost.checked == false and sWavelet.checked == false then
   messagebox "No Sim Type Selected"
   for goSim in FumeSel do
    if sStandard.checked == true do
     goSim.RunSimulation 0
    if sWavelet.checked == true do
     goSim.RunSimulation 2
    if sPost.checked == true do
     goSim.RunSimulation 3
 on strSimRenBttn pressed do
  if sStandard.checked == false and sPost.checked == false and sWavelet.checked == false then
   messagebox "No Sim Type Selected"
   for goSim in FumeSel do
    if sStandard.checked == true do
     goSim.RunSimulation 0
    if sWavelet.checked == true do
     goSim.RunSimulation 2
    if sPost.checked == true do
     goSim.RunSimulation 3
  render framerange:(interval  rendStart rendEnd) outputfile:rendOutputFilename
  --resetMaxFIle #noPrompt

rollout FFXSTool_3 "Sim and Render Murtiple" width:240 height:240
 button pathBttn "Add File" pos:[8,8] width:110 height:16
 button pathRmvBttn "Remove File" pos:[121,8] width:110 height:16
 listBox fileList "File List" pos:[8,32] width:224 height:6
 button simStrBttn "Start Simulation" pos:[8,140] width:224 height:16
 --spinner startfr "StartFrame" pos:[38,165] width:80 height:16 range:[-10000,10000,1] type:#integer
 --spinner endfr "EndFrame" pos:[151,165] width:80 height:16 range:[-10000,10000,3] type:#integer
 button renStrBttn "Start Render" pos:[8,160] width:224 height:16
 button simrenStrBttn "Start Sim and Render" pos:[8,180] width:224 height:16
 global simFilesArray = #()  -- ����Ʈ�� �̸��� �ø������� ���
 global nameArr = #() -- ����� ������Ʈ�� ���� ���
 global simFilesList = #() --���Ͽ����� ���� ���

 on pathBttn pressed do
   global simFiles =  (getopenFileName  caption:"Load a SourceFiles" types:"SourceFiles(*.max)|*.Max")
   insertItem simFiles simFilesList 1
   global simFilesName = getFilenameFile simFiles 
   insertItem  simFilesName simFilesArray 1
   if simFilesArray[1] != undefined  then
    fileList.items = simFilesArray
 on pathRmvBttn pressed do 
  if fileList.selection != 0  then
   d_item = fileList.selection
   deleteItem simFilesArray (d_item)
   nameArr = for i in simFilesArray collect i
   fileList.items = nameArr
  else messagebox "No Scene File Selected"
 on simStrBttn pressed do
  files = getFiles (getFilenamePath simFiles + "*.max")
  for filenames in simFilesList do
   loadmaxfile filenames
   objAll = for o in geometry collect o
   local fumebox = #()
      for a in objAll do
    if classof a == fumefx then
     insertItem a fumebox 1
   if fumebox.count > 0 then
    for k in fumebox do
     k.RunSimulation 0
   --resetMaxFIle #noPrompt
 on renStrBttn pressed do
  files = getFiles (getFilenamePath simFiles + "*.max")
  for filenames in simFilesList do
   loadmaxfile filenames
   render framerange:(interval  rendStart rendEnd) outputfile:rendOutputFilename
   --resetMaxFIle #noPrompt
  on simrenStrBttn pressed do
  files = getFiles (getFilenamePath simFiles + "*.max")
  for filenames in simFilesList do
   loadmaxfile filenames
   objAll = for o in geometry collect o
   local fumebox = #()
      for a in objAll do
    if classof a == fumefx then
     insertItem a fumebox 1
   if fumebox.count > 0 then
    for k in fumebox do
     k.RunSimulation 0
   render framerange:(interval  rendStart rendEnd) outputfile:rendOutputFilename
   --resetMaxFIle #noPrompt


if FFXSRoll != undefined  then 
 closeRolloutFloater  FFXSRoll

FFXSRoll = newrolloutfloater "FFXS v1.5 jyoo" 252 680

addrollout FFXVol FFXSRoll
addrollout  FFXSTool FFXSRoll
addrollout  FFXSTool_3 FFXSRoll
