Secular Sri Lanka Library Project


Provide a collection of literature on Secularism, Secularization of Constitution and Secular Governance. This will include publications from worldwide journals and publications.

Tip: How to insert objects like this "Table of contents" into your page.

The Membership of the Library

    • Only members who have signed up for the general membership of Sri Lanka Secular Society will have access to the files in this digital library.

    • All content will be available free of charge.

    • No membership fee.

    • This library will be updated by the librarian assigned by the President of Sri Lanka Secular Society.

Science Library

This section includes classic publications on Nature of Science, Scientific Methodology, Reason and Logic.

Democracy and Human Rights

Secular Ethics, Humanistic Values, non-religious worldview and human rights as a secular value system that is ever changing and as a dynamic system of humanity.