
Follow the links below to start downloading the gzipped ALPAKA data table.  To unzip (uncompress) this file at your command line issue the command:

>> gunzip ALPAKA_v1.fits.gz


The resulting file is the full ALPAKA table in .fits format.  The table consists of 25,670 rows and 220 columns (or IDL structure tags, if opened in IDL).  There is 1 row per source identified via the selection procedure described in S2.2 of Mullaney et al (2013; arXiv: 1305.0263).

In IDL, the table will open as a structure with the following tags:

NAME: Filename of SDSS spectrum in spSpec-mmmmm-pppp-fff.fits format (m=mjd; p=plate id; f=fiber id)

OBJID: Unique SDSS object ID (SDSS: SpecPhoto.ObjID).

URL: Link to spectrum file download.

RA: Right ascension of source (SDSS: SpecPhoto.RA; J2000).

DEC: Declination of source (SDSS: SpecPhoto.DEC; J2000).

Z: SDSS reported redshift of source (SDSS: SpecPhoto.Z)

AGN_TYPE: 1=Broad line Sy1 AGN; 2=Sy 2 AGN; 3=Narrow-line Sy 1; -1=Non-AGN.  Classified following S2.4 of Mullaney et al (2013).

The following SDSS-measured parameters are also included for the [OIII]5007, [NII]6584 and Hbeta lines (making 40 columns in total):

SDSS_HA_NSIG: Significance of Halpha line detection reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.nSigma).

SDSS_HA_EW: Halpha equivalent width reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.ew).

SDSS_HA_EW_ERR: Error on Halpha equivalent width reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.ewErr).

SDSS_HA_CONT: Halpha continuum estimate reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.continuum).

SDSS_HA_CENWAV: Halpha central wavelength reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.wave).

SDSS_HA_CENWAV_ERR: Error on Halpha central wavelength reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.waveErr).

SDSS_HA_SIGMA: Width (sigma, not FWHM) of Halpha line reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.sigma).

SDSS_HA_SIGMA_ERR: Error on the width of Halpha line reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.sigmaErr).

SDSS_HA_HEIGHT: Height (normalisation) of Halpha line reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.height).

SDSS_HEIGHT_ERR: Error on height of Halpha line reported by SDSS (SDSS: SpecLine.heightErr).

The next parameters are provided by our multi-component fitting routine (described in Appendix A of Mullaney et al, 2013).

Here, we give descriptions for the fit parameters of the narrowest Hbeta component (designated as HB).  The intermediate and broad components are designated HBB and HBBB, respectively (HB broad, HB broad broad).  

We use the same naming convention for the other lines: OIII_4959, OIII_4959B, OIII_5007, OIII_5007B, NII_6548, NII_6548B, HA, HAB, HABB, NII_6584, NII_6584B (making 154 columns in total).

Errors are only given on parameters that are free to vary.  Where two or more parameters are linked, errors are only reported on one of the linked parameters (the others report an error of 0).  For example, the FWHM of the narrow components are all linked to that of [OIII]5007, so only that line shows errors on the FWHM of this component.

HB_WAV: Reference wavelength of the Hbeta line.

HB_NORM:  Normalisation of the narrow gaussian component of the Hbeta line (10-17 ergs/s/cm2/A).

HB_NORM_ERR:  Error on the above normalisation (10-17 ergs/s/cm2/A).

HB_FWHM: Full width half maximum of the narrow component of the Hbeta line (km/s).

HB_FWHM_ERR:  Error on the above FWHM (km/s).

HB_VEL: The velocity shift (relative to the SDSS-reported redshift) of the narrow Hbeta component (km/s).

HB_VEL_ERR:  Error on the above velocity shift (km/s).

HB_FLUX: Flux of the narrow Hbeta component (10-17 ergs/s/cm2).

HB_FLUX_ERR: Error on the above flux (10-17 ergs/s/cm2).

HB_LUM: Luminosity of the narrow Hbeta component calculated using the SDSS redshift (ergs/s).

HB_LUM_ERR:  Error on the above luminosity (ergs/s).

The following parameters are derived from the results of our line fitting code:

HB_NARR_FLUX: The combined flux of the two narrowest HB components (i.e., excluding the traditional broad component; 10-17 ergs/s/cm2).

HA_NARR_FLUX: The combined flux of the two narrowest HA components (i.e., excluding the traditional broad component; 10-17 ergs/s/cm2).

AV: V-band magnitude extinction derived using the Balmer decrement method adopting the above line fluxes (see note below).

OIII_5007_LUM_DERRED: Absorption corrected [O III]5007 luminosity (ergs/s).

HA_LUM_DERRED: Absorption corrected Halpha luminosity.

R_EDD: Eddington ratio calculated using Eqn. 1 from Mullaney et al (2013) adopting the above absorption corrected Halpha luminosity.

SYS_VEL: Systematic velocity (relative to SDSS derived redshift; km/s).  Derived from the velocity shift of the core [OIII]5007 component.  Used to set the zero points in the spectral stacks of Mullaney et al (2013).

The following parameters are used to derive the radio properties of the sample.  Radio matches are identified by adopting the methodology outlined in Best et al (2005):

NVS_N: Number of NVSS matched sources 

NVS_IDS: ID numbers of the NVSS matched sources.

NVS_RA: Right ascension of the NVSS matched sources (J2000).

NVS_DEC: Declination of the NVSS matched sources (J2000).

NVS_FLUX: 1.4 GHz flux of the NVSS matched sources (mJy). 

NVS_LUM: Rest-frame 1.4 GHz luminosity of the NVSS matched sources (W/Hz)

FIR_N: Number of FIRST matched sources.

FIR_IDS: ID numbers of FIRST matched sources.

FIR_FLUX: 1.4 GHz flux of FIRST matched sources (mJy).

FIR_LUM: Rest-frame 1.4 GHz luminosities of FIRST matched sources (W/Hz).

B_MAG: Rest-frame B-band magnitude (calculated by integrating the redshifted SDSS spectrum over the Buser B-band response curve; AB mags).

B_FLUX: Rest-frame B-band flux (calculated by integrating the redshifted SDSS spectrum over the Buser B-band response curve).

A note on Av and absorption-corrected luminosities:

The Av values in the ALPAKA table are derived using the Balmer decrement, which relies on accurate flux determination for the Ha and Hb narrow components. These are particularly tricky to obtain for Type 1 AGNs where the narrow components are blended with the broad.  Despite trying to solve this problem using multi-component fits, there are still problematic sources.  As such, a number of the Av values in the table are clearly over- or under-estimated (e.g., Av values >10).  We are aware of this problem but choose to maintain such sources in the ALPAKA table for completeness.

Scripts to generate a fit from the ALPAKA parameters

Along with the ALPAKA data table, we also provide a set of IDL scripts to convert the parameters into the corresponding model spectrum.  These are contained in the fitspec.tar tarball downloadable using the link below.  A worked example containing instructions to generate the fit shown on the homepage is included in the routine within that tarball.


Available below. Please click on the downwards pointing arrow to download the data file and IDL code tarballs.

Download link for data file (ALPAKA Catalogue) 

Download link for IDL code