Undergraduate Student Projects

Weijia Lu worked on the larval development of the invasive ectoproct, Membranipora membranacea, and the effects of energy reduction on embryogenesis. Her work was funded as part of an NSF ROA award to LIU-Post in collaboration with Dr. Jon Allen at the College of William and Mary. This work was conducted at Bowdoin College's Coastal Studies Center, and presented as part of a research symposium (Bowdoin Symposium) as well as at the 45th Benthic Ecology Meeting in Portland, Maine.

Timothy Fuller worked on the phylogeography of the phoronid, Phoronis pallida, in several sites around the San Juan Islands, WA. Tim's work was part of a NSF REU program at Friday Harbor Laboratories. Tim is currently working on his M.S. degree at San Francisco State University.

Danielle Millione and Ashley Sanborn worked on identifying phoronid larval types using mitochondrial (COI and CytB) markers. After graduating from LIU-Post, both students are working on health-related degrees at Professional Schools.

Angela Calise and Sondra Mendolsohn worked on the roles of microfilaments during the metamorphosis of various species of ectoproct larvae. Both students presented their findings at a LIU-Post Research Symposium. Angela graduated and went on to complete a master's degree in Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education (SAAHE Program) at Texas A&M University. Sondra is completing her degree at the Ross University School of Medicine.