

I travel quite a bit, mostly for business. Here I share some photos from travels recent and past.

Went to Taiwan recently, at the invitation of Prof. Kuo at the National Taiwan University. Had a great time. Here is a photo of me with my family at the Chiang Kai-Shek memorial, which is an astounding building...

A picture taken at the International Conference on CMOS Variability, the brainchild of Prof. Asen Asenov, hosted by the NMI in London, I delivered a keynote at the conference. It was great fun being there, and the conference was very well run. It was nice visiting London again as well -

Here am I in January 2009, at a coffee place in Tokyo, photo taken by my daughter who was experiencing Japan for the first time (and very much enjoying it!).

I find Japan to be a fascinating place. Such attention to detail, and passion about work. It seems to me in Japan everyone is a craftsman, even doing the simplest of things (driving a bus) they have such passion for doing it "well". Admirable.

Here with my good friend Prof. Yao-Wen Chang of the National Taiwan University. This was at a rather nice restaurant where I surprised him with my willingness to eat various "interesting" foods.

I was giving a tutorial at the DATE conference in Munich, in 2008. And -as luck would have it, the dates coincided with spring break in the Austin school system. This allowed me to bring my daughters along. Here we are at the Hoffbrau Haus, enjoying a beer. I envy the Germans... They have such good beer, yet somehow they do not develop the gigantic beer bellies one sees in the US.

OK, so enough with photos of me. Here is one of my wife and daughters in Kauai. Who would not love to live and work in Hawaii, if only there was an IBM R&D facility there. Ah!

OK. One last one for this update. Here with my lovely wife in Lisbon. I was invited to give a keynote at the PATMOS conference. This is in one of the squares in the downtown area. A lovely place, Portugal. Great people and food.