Board Members

Each June, the San Diego Iris Society elects/re-elects officers to serve on the Board of Directors for the upcoming term (July 1-June 30). Individuals serving on the board generously volunteer their time and effort, and we appreciate all they do for our society. This year's Board of Directors is composed of the following elected officers:


Elected Officers

President - Claire Schneider

Vice President and Past President - Mary Hanson

Treasurer - Janis Shackelford

Secretary - Olga Batalov

The Board has appointed the following individuals who have generously volunteered their time for specific society committees or services:


Appointed Committee Chairs

Editor - Olga Batalov

Librarian & Historian & Facebook - Mary Hanson

Membership - Janis Shackelford

Nominating Committee - TBD

Photographers - Claire Schneider, Patti Anderson 

Publicity - Jan Benoit

Show Co-Chairs - Janis Shackelford & Jan Benoit

Table Treasures - Jan Benoit

Webmaster & Digital Archive - Katharina Notarianni