
When did it all begin?

Samford Hash was founded by Peter "Fu" Goff, Julie "Keg Guard" Goff, Steve "Superbrat" Tennant, Janet "Rattletrap" Tennant, their daughter Leanne, Derek "Roddy" and Jenny McDowall, Rick "Uriah" Heap and family, and Paul and Pauline Jacques.  

Founding members:


The first Samford Hash run was on 11th February 1991.

Bruce ("Charcoal") and Barbara ("Strine") Downie plus their son Evan ("B&W") joined a few months later.

Many of the early members had been members of the Port Moresby Hash, and had settled in Samford from New Guinea.  The group's original name  - "Samford Hash Haus Harriers" - reflected these New Guinea origins.

 Julie "Keg Guard" Goff


Steve "Superbrat" Tennant