Welcome to my webpage!

I am Professor of Economics at University of Bergamo (Italy), Academic Affiliate at Compass Lexecon and a CSEF fellow. 

My research interests are Antitrust Economics, Competition Policy, Contract and Information Theory, Economics of Crime, Industrial Organization, and Regulation.  

My citations on google

Selected Publications

with Michele Bisceglia

RAND Journal of Economics, accepted

(with M. Bisceglia, J. Padilla, and P. Sääskilahti) 

Journal of Health Economics, accepted.

(with M. Bisceglia, J. Padilla and J. Perkins)

 RAND Journal of Economics, accepted.  

(with M. Pagnozzi and M. Reisinger)

 Journal of Economic Theory, (2022).

(with S. Auster and N. Kos)

 RAND Journal of Economics, (2021).

(with G. Immordino and P. Roberti)

 Journal of Public Economics, (2020). 

(with A. Alesina and P. Pinotti)

 Review of Economic Studies, (2019). Lead article,  Vol 86(2).

(with A. Gamba and G. Immordino)

Journal of Public Economics, (2018).

(with J. Kastl and  M. Pagnozzi)

 RAND Journal of Economics, (2018).

(with G. Ursino and P. Tedeschi)

 Management Science, (2017).

(with G. Immordino)

 Economic Journal, (2017).

(with P. Tedeschi and G. Ursino)

 RAND Journal of Economics, (2015).

(with A. Bennardo)

Journal of the European Economic Association, (2014).

(with M. Pagnozzi)

 Games and Economic Behavior, (2013).

(with J. Miklos-Thal)

 RAND Journal of Economics, (2012).

(with M. Pagnozzi), 

Economic Journal, (2011).

(with M. Reisinger)

 Management Science, (2011).

(with D. Martimort)

 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2010).