Obsessional Ocean

Obsessional Ocean

Made by Sophie and Ruben

Obsessional Ocean - New Year's Gift

Added: August 16th

Expansions needed:

Languages: English and Dutch

Size: 7.93 MB


- Pygmy Right Whale

- Small pelagic rock

- Sargasso weed


Obsessional Ocean - Part 1 (Coastal)

Added: September 5th

Expansions needed:

Languages: English and Dutch

Size:17.47 MB


- Atlantic humpback dolphin

- Harbor porpoise

- Olive Ridley

- Bull shark

- Lemon shark

- Dwarf coconut palm

- Sea Rocket

- Coconut palm

- Marram grass

- Sea whip

- Reef rocks

- Placeble common seahorses


Obsessional Ocean - Part 2 (Coastal)

Added: October 4th

Expansions needed:

Languages: English and Dutch

Size: 35.06 MB


- Bonnethead shark

- Finless porpoise

- Hector's dolphin

- Sandbar shark

- Chinese white dolphin

- Subantarctic fur seal

- Large sea grass

- Portia tree

- Dead man's fingers

- Sea-buckthorn

- Themed buildings

- Themed objects

- Common octopus


Obsessional Ocean - Part 3 (Pelagic & Tundra)

Added: 5 February 2010

Expansions needed:

Languages: English and Dutch

Size: 23.85 MB


- Dall's porpoise

- Pacific white-sided dolphin

- Hector's beaked whale

- Pelagic thresher shark

- Pygmy sperm whale

- Hourglass dolphin

- Spectacled porpoise

- Humpback whale

- North Atlantic right whale

- Deep sea coral

- Deep sea anemone

- Pelagic rocks