
This site contains brief notes and pictures of cancer patients who have been treated by ROJoson starting 1980 (year ROJ doing general surgery and surgical oncology residency in the Philippine General Hospital) and who are considered "cancer survivors" using an operational criterion of at least 10 years in remission after treatment.

Hopefully, this site and the cancer survivors contained herein will serve as an inspiration to current and future cancer patients and will debunk the thinking that having cancer is always a death sentence. 

The cancer survivors contained in this website have given their permission to have their short stories and pictures published for reason of wanting to help others, that is, to give hope to present and future cancer patients.  They deserve  a "thank you" appreciation.

Note: Anytime, anybody wants to have his or her stories and pictures changed and even removed, this will be carried out as soon as possible.

For query, rjoson2001@yahoo.com or rojosonmedclinic@gmail.com

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

December 23, 2011

A Part 2 of this website was created on February 9, 2016 as this site is full already.


As of December 11, 2012, I have a registry of 50 cancer survivors.  I have reached my target of 50.  I will not set new target but I will continue to serve cancer patients and to update my registry.  

As of December 13, 2014,  I have a registry of 100 cancer survivors. I will continue to track and increase the number of cancer survivors under my care. 

As of December, 2016, I have a registry of 115 cancer survivors. I will continue to track and increase the number of cancer survivors under my care.

As of October 3, 2017, I have a registry of 124 cancer survivors.  I will continue to track and increase the number of cancer survivors under my care.

As of November 26, 2018, I have a registry of 133 cancer survivors. I will continue to track and increase the number of cancer survivors under my care.

As of April 23, 2021, I have a registry of 153 cancer survivors who have been in remission for 10 or more years under my care.

As of April 3, 2024, I have a registry of 174 cancer survivors who have been in remission for 10 or more years under my care. 

I will continue to track and increase the number of cancer survivors under my care.

I have updated ROJoson's Cancer Survivors.



I started my Cancer Survivor Registry (containing cancer patients I have treated before, with 10 or more years of remission) in December 23, 2011 to serve as an inspiration to current and future cancer patients and will debunk the thinking that having cancer is always a death sentence. 

As of April 3, 2024, I have a registry of 174 cancer survivors who have been in remission for 10 or more years under my care. 

I will continue to track and increase the number of cancer survivors under my care.

This is one of my end-points in which I can say I have lived a life that matters.

This is one of my legacies to my cancer patients!

I will be using this "success" quote of Emerson as a guide - "to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived."

I will also use this quote on meaningful life as a guide:

Visits - as of August 16, 2014

Back-up Files:








ROJ@11dec23; 12dec23; 13jan11;13mar3;13apr13;13apr20;13apr27; 13jun10; 13aug6; 13sept14;13dec1;13dec9;14feb21; 14mar11;14may11;14aug16;14dec4;14dec13;15apr14;15sept3;15oct29;15nov4;15nov14;16jan14;16apr7;16sept22;17feb9;17mar18;17may4; 17jun27;17jul6;17jul9;17jul16; 17sept30;17oct3;18jan4;18may2;18jun19;18jul31;18aug5;18oct20;18oct23;18nov26;19feb19;19mar13;19apr28;19may16;19jun20; 19oct31;20jul18;20aug10; 24mar5

22feb17 - MPPoblxtx - 154 - thyroid cancer survivor

22apr30 - LeonieL - 155 - thyroid cancer survivor

22jun15 - Ebony Domingo - 156 - breast cancer survivor

22aug4 - Lolit Garcia - 157 - breast cancer survivor

22oct12 - Lourdes Gapac - 158 - breast cancer survivor

22nov5 - Ligaya Flores - 159 - breast cancer survivor

22nov9 - Alicia Coronel - 160 - breast cancer survivor

22nov15 - Mercedes Canuel - 161 - breast cancer survivor

22nov15 - KSC - 162 - thyroid cancer survivor

22dec7 - Lenita Miranda - 163 - breast cancer survivor

23mar8 - Jocelyn Morente - 164 - breast cancer survivor

23mar8 - Ben Sia - 165 - colon cancer survivor

23mar22 - Penny Marcelino - 166 - breast cancer survivor

23mar28 - Lisa Hisita - 167  - breast cancer survivor

23may2 - Mary Ann Maravilla - 168 breast cancer survivor

23jun13 - Shirley Maaba - 169 breast cancer survivor

23oct29 - Emiiana Ferrer - 170 breast cancer survivor

23dec13 - Michelle Gratuitp - 171 breast cancer survivor

24mar6 - Resureccion Duenas - 172 - breast cancer survivor

24mar6 - Carmen Shok He - 173 - breast cancer survivor

24apr3 - Febe Caldino - 174 - breast cancer survivor