Non-ISI journals

Babeyko, A.Y., Lorito, S., Hernandez, F., Lauterjung, J., Løvholt, F., Rudloff, A., Sørensen, M., Androsov, A., Aniel-Quiroga, I., Armigliato, A., Baptista, M.A., Baglione, E., Basili, R., Behrens, J., Brizuela, B., Bruni, S., Cambaz, M.D., Cantavella-Nadal, J., Carrilho, F., Chandler, I., Chang-Seng, D., Charalampakis, M., Cugliari, L., Denamiel, C., Dogan, G.G., Festa, G., Fuhrman, D., Gabriel, A.-A., Galea, P-. Gibbons, S.J., Gonzalez, M., Graziani, L., Gutscher, M.-A., Harig, S., Hebert, H., Ionescu, C., Jalayer, F., Kalligeris, N., Kânoğlu, U., Lanucara, P., Macías Sánchez, J., Murphy, S., Necmioğlu, Ö., Omira, R., A Papadopoulos, G., Paris, R., Romano, F., Rossetto, T., Selva, J., Scala, A., Tonini, R., Trevlopoulos, K., Triantafyllou, I., Urgeles, R., Vallone, R., Vilibić, I., Volpe, M., Yalciner, A.C. (2022): Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure. Annals of Geophysics: 65 (2): DM215.

Rui, L., Rebesco, M., Casamor, J.L., Laberg, J.S., Rydningen, T.A., Caburlotto, A., Forwick, M., Urgeles, R., Accettella, D., Lucchi, R.G., Delbono, I., Barsanti, M., Demarte, M., Ivaldi, R., 2019. Geomorphology and development of a high-latitude channel system: the INBIS channel case (NW Barents Sea, Arctic). Arktos, 5: 15-29.

Casas, D., Casalbore, D., Yenes, M., Urgeles, R. (2015): Submarine mass movements around the Iberian Peninsula. The building of continental margins through hazardous processes. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 126(2-3): 257-278.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Rebesco, M., Urgeles, R., Lucchi, R. G. and Freudenthal, T., (2014): Drilling Glacial Deposits in Offshore Polar Regions. EOS Trans. Am. Geoph. Union, 95(31): 277-278.

Jeong, S.-W., Locat, J., Leroueil, S., Urgeles, R. (2011) :Submarine Landslides: Science, Technology and Challenges (in Korean). Special Report (Coastal Disaster Prevention) of the Korea Society of Civil Engineering IV, Civil Society, 59 (11): 32-39.

Urgeles, R., De Mol, B., Puig, P., De Batist, M., Hughes-Clarke, J.E., Arraix shipboard party (2009): Sediment undulations on the Llobregat prodelta: Signs of early slope instability or sedimentary bedforms?, Rend. online Soc. Geol. It., 7: 103-106.

Urgeles, R., De Mol, B., Camerlenghi, A. (2008): EDINSED3D: Evolution of Sedimentary Dynamics during Changes in Climate Regime. Search and Discovery, Article #40278.

Urgeles, R., Camerlenghi, A., Ercilla, G., Anselmetti, F., Brückmann, W., Canals, M., Gràcia, E., Locat, J., Krastel, S. and Solheim, A. (2007): Scientific Ocean Drilling Behind the Assessment of Geo-hazards From Submarine Slides. EOS Trans. Am. Geoph. Union, 88(17): 192-192.

Camerlenghi, A., Urgeles, R., Ercilla, G. and Brückmann, W. (2007): Scientific Ocean Drilling Behind the Assessment of Geo-Hazards from Submarine Slides. Scientific Drilling, 4: 45-47.

Behrmann, J.H., Flemings, P.B., John, C.M. and IODP Expedition 308 Scientists (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2006): Superfast sedimentation, overpressures and focused fluid flow, Gulf of Mexico continental margin. Scientific Drilling, 3: 12-17.

Zampetti, V. and Expedition 308 Scientists (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005). IODP Expedition 308: Gulf of Mexico hydrogeology, overpressure and fluid flow processes in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: slope stability, seeps, and shallow-water flow. IODP-UK newsletter, 31: 15-17.

Flemings, P. and IODP Expedition 308 Scientific Party (incl. Urgeles, R.) (2005). Expedition 308 Gulf of Mexico hydrogeology. JOI News, Fall/Winter, 8-9.

Urgeles, R., Canals, M., Calafat, A. and Amblàs, D. (2005): L'emprempta del clima a l'Antàrtida: Dinàmica Glacial i extensió del gel durant el Darrer Màxim Glacial, L’Atzavara, 12: 25-34.

Liquete, C., Canals, M., Arnau, M., Urgeles, R. and Durrieu-Demadron Xavier (2004): The impacts of humans on strata formation along the Mediterranean Margins, Oceanography, 17: 42-51.

Canals, M., Calafat, A., Camerlenghi, A., De Batist, M., Urgeles, R., Farran, M., Geletti, R., Versteeg, W., Amblas, D., Rebesco, M., Casamor, J.L., Sanchez, A., Willmott, V., Lastras, G. and Imbo, Y. (2003): Uncovering the footprint of former ice streams off Antarctica, EOS Trans. Am. Geoph. Union, 84: 97-103.

Lastras, G., Canals, M., Urgeles, R. and Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2001): Morfología y dinámica del debris flow submarino BIG’95. Geotemas, 3(1): 191-194.

Canals, M., Urgeles, R., Masson, D.G. and Casamor, J.L. (2000): Los deslizamientos submarinos de las Islas Canarias. Makaronesia, 2: 57-69.

Urgeles, R., Canals, M., Baraza, J. and Alonso, B. (1996): The submarine "El Golfo" debris avalanche and the Canary debris flow, West Hierro Island: The last major slides in the Canary archipelago, Geogaceta, 20: 390-393.

Urgeles, R. (1995): Geologia i geomorfologia del Maresme. Excursionisme, 236, 196–197.