Reminiscences of Bob Wagner

Bob Wagner was a kind and sharing person, as well as a brilliant researcher. He had many friends and colleagues who were very fond of him and have wonderful stories to tell:

Tribute - Kyle Myers

Roger Schneider

Michael Andre

Ken Hanson

Matt O'Donnell

Rodney Shaw

Dave Shombert

Callee (Duff) Stauffer

Harry Barrett

Murray Loew


Keith Wear, Mike Insana, and Steve Smith

Bill Sacks

Share your story

Please contribute your favorite story about Bob. Send an email to Ken Hanson for approval to create your own page on this site. Include your email address that you will use to register with Google. See the Instructions.

Editing a page on Google Sites is very easy; it is essentially point-and-click and WYSIWYG. You can easily include photos and videos, as well as links to other web pages. Photos should be no larger than 1200x800 pixels.

If you do not want to deal with the Google site directly, you may send your story to Ken Hanson in the form text, plain or RTF, or a Microsoft word document, which maintains text formatting. In this case, if you wish to include photos, note in the text where they belong, provide them separately in JPG format, and keep them under 1200x800 pixels. Please limit the number of photos.