Historic District

The Rocky Hill Community Group played an important role in conducting the research and completion of applications that led to the borough's listing on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

Most of the homes on Washington Street; all of the homes on Crescent Avenue, Grove Street, Park Avenue, Reeve Road, and Skillman Avenue; and some of the homes on Montgomery Avenue and Princeton Avenue are in the Historic Preservation District.  The homes in the Historic Preservation District are shown in a green shaded overlay on the Rocky Hill zoning map

Read more about the historic information and an inventory of the buildings throughout the borough, as well as suggestions for preservation, restoration and renovation of buildings to maintain the character and architectural diversity of Rocky Hill. Details on what role each house and building plays in the historic district can be found in the original application found in the Preservation Alternatives for Rocky Hill document. 

Being in the Historic Preservation District is both a privilege and a responsibility that requires homeowners to seek permission to make changes to the exterior of their property if visible from a public thoroughfare.  If you live in the Historic Preservation District and are contemplating renovations, we suggest that you read the preservation documents.  

A walking tour of the Rocky Hill Historic District, authored by Peggy Harris, Mei Mei Morris and Jeanette Muser with images by Brad Bradhering can be found below.  The tour may be of value to those with interest in our local history as well as home owners seeking design details when planning architectural style appropriate renovations, restorations or new construction. (Walking Tour Guide) 

If you have any questions about whether you need a review or a preservation permit for the work you are considering, please call the Borough Hall at 609-924-7445 during business hours on Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 - 6:00 pm.