iRobot Roomba WiFi adapter

In the year 2018 the Roomba vacuum cleaning robots became really cheap (at least the "simple" robots without WiFi or camera). Soon after buying one, I found out that the robot has an interface to the outside world (see

I decided to add WiFi to the Roomba, so it can be controlled by a mobile app. Note: There are a lot of similar projects on the web. So the documentation is sparse and primarily for myself.


Roomba App


I used the ESP8266 RTOS Software Development Kit to program the microchip.

From the homepage: Please consider that the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK framework is quite outdated and different from the current esp-idf and it is planned to migrate the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK to esp-idf.

A fixed IP is used to communicate with the iRobot Roomba.