Antiques Roadshow Appearance

On April 13, 2015, I appeared on Antiques Roadshow, showing the photograph of Albert, Sylvia, and Alden Caldwell on the deck of the Titanic on sailing day, April 10, 1912. I also brought along Women of the Titanic Disaster, written by Sylvia Caldwell in 1912. As far as I can tell, there are only two copies in existence. You can buy a copy as an e-book by clicking here.

I must say, Antiques Roadshow was METICULOUS in confirming the authenticity of the photo. I knew it was authentic, but the appraiser, Grant Zahajko, and then the producers spent more than two hours going over the photo and its background. When they were satisfied, they offered me a TV appearance. WHAT A BLAST!!

Grant valued my items at $7,500 for insurance purposes.

Of course, they are priceless to me.

I had a blast, Antiques Roadshow. Thanks!

(All photos on the page are copyrighted.)