2-Academic Degrees

PhD Information and Communication Engineering,

PSG College of Technology, Anna University (2007), Chennai

TITLE A Study on Wavelets Based Image Texture Classification

GRADE Highly Commended

M.E Communication Systems,

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Kamaraj University (2000), Madurai

GRADE First Class with Distinction & 80.33%

B.E Electronic and Communication Engineering,

Jayaram College of Engg. & Technology, Bharathidasan University (1998), Trichy

GRADE First Class & 73.14%

Academic Proficiency

1. Qualified in GATE 99 Exam with 81.57 Percentile

2. Scored Centum in “Numerical Methods” in B.E Fifth Semester University Examinations

3. Department 3rd Rank in B.E

4. Department 2nd Rank in M.E

5. School First in HSC

6. School Second in SSLC