

NOTE : To listen to the songs click on the titles, and the song will play in a new webpage.

If you want to download, then click on downloads.

1 ) A talk in Telugu, by Dr. Rallapalli Anantha Krishna Sarma, on the finer aspects of Classical music and reference to his guru's, broadcast by AIR, refer to Rallapalli You tube channel to listen to this talk & other songs referred below.  

2 ) Compositions of Rallapalli Sarma sung by his son and disciple, Prof. R A Phani Shayi, retired Principal & Prof of psychology, National College, B'lore,  during Rallapalli Centenary Celebrations at Tirupathi, 1993.

 2 a ) Concert at Annamacharya Kala Mandiram, Tirupati, March , 1993 : Vocal -  Shri Rallapalli Phani Shayi , Violin - Shri Pudukotai Ramanathan , Mridangam - Sudhakara Rao

3 ) Prof R A Phani Shayi, demonstrating a few compositions of Rallapalli Sharma, at home.

4 )' Kanada Swarajati ' composed by Rallapalli Sharma, played on the veena by his daughter Smt    


5 ) Daughters Smt Rallapalli Nagamani & Rallapalli Harini - singing a few songs.



        2 b ) Concert at S V College Of Music & Drama , Tirupati, on 13 th March , 1993.

       Vocal - Shri Rallapalli Phani Shayi , Violin - Shri Pudukotai Ramanathan , Mridangam - Sudhakara Rao

         3 ) Shri Rallapalli Phani Shayi singing a few songs at home :

      4 ) Smt R.V. Prabha, playing on the veena :

     5 ) Smt Rallapalli Harini and Smt Rallapalli Nagamani Demonstrating a few songs :