Indigenous Strategy Community of Practice


 The purpose of the Indigenous Strategy Community of Practice is to:

1. To provide a network between QULOC libraries to collaborate on and foster culturally responsive libraries; improving policies and institutional procedures that impact all staff, students and researchers with respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources and knowledge.

2. To share information, experiences, and methodologies, and recommend professional development to assist all staff in QULOC libraries to build their confidence and ability to work with all staff, students, researchers and communities with respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources and knowledge.

3. To communicate and collaborate with other QULOC Communities of Practice and Practitioner Groups on matters of shared interest.

4. To advise and make recommendations to the QULOC University Librarians.


This Community of Practice is open to all staff from QULOC libraries. If you would like to get involved, please contact the convenor,  speak to your existing local member - listed below - or contact: 


Meeting Schedule

The Indigenous Strategy Community of Practice aims to meets 6 times per year and values identity, culture and diversity in our libraries.

The Indigenous Strategy QULOC Community of Practice, acknowledges Indigenous Terms of Reference and makes a conscious effort to commit to the views of Indigenous people that will be reflected within topics, strategies and activities used to progress objectives and learnings of the group.

Furthermore, the group operates under the ATSILIRN Protocols and naturally adopts the ethos that furthering reconciliation is everyone’s business. The group and its members have an awareness of individual backgrounds and biases, however, recognise that the Indigenous Strategy QULOC Community of Practice and subsequent meetings are a safe space encouraged via sharing circles.

Sharing (or Yarning) Circle practice:

Reporting Schedule

After each meeting, a brief record of the meeting discussion, potential strategic priorities or events and other items of interest will be provided using the Indigenous Strategy Community of Practice Meeting Reporting Padlet. The padlet will be available to all QULOC members to read.  An annual report is provided to the last University Librarians Committee meeting of the year.