About me

When I did my bachelor's degree at the zoology department in National Taiwan University, I once had envisaged that one day I could live in the mountains with wild animals. In the end, I chose a very different path of working as a lab technician doing protein engineering and directed evolution with Dr. Steve Roffler in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica.

My craving for learning new technologies became so strong after this two-year experience in cell biology, protein chemistry, and molecular biology that I continued my study in physics and optics. During my master's study in ENS Cachan in France, I learned non-linear optics, photochemistry, and advanced microscopy techniques. Afterward, I had done my master's thesis at Institut Curie, Paris with Dr.François Amblard where I used multi-photon photopolymerization to produce microstructures for biophysical study.

In 2008, I started my PhD thesis with Dr. Manuel Théry in the laboratory of physics of the cytoskeleton and morphogenesis. I used microfabrication techniques such as photolithography, micro-contact printing, surface chemistry etc. as well as automated image acquisition and analysis to study cell polarity and mechanics.

From 2011 until 2013 spring, I did my postdoctoral research in EMBL Heidelberg at Dr. Christoph Merten's microfluidic lab and Dr. Eileen Furlong's developmental genetic lab.

Since 2013, I started working in the medical device industry in Taiwan. I still try to spend some time maintaining my codes and do some hobby programming. I also like to play around some public data source and join kaggle competition.

All these ImageJ plugins were developed to facilitate my research, but not actively maintained any more. Nevertheless, I hope these programs could still do some help.

If you have any problem using these plugin, find my plugin useful (or useless....), or share the same interests in image analysis and data science, feel free to send me a mail(qztseng at gmail dot com) or linkedin.com/in/qztseng.