
Here are various articles I have written regarding the economic crisis. Please read as they are critical to a thorough, accurate understanding of the credit crisis and the intervention/stimulus efforts.

The first, “Intervention’s Potential ‘Blind Spots’” you will find an article concerning perhaps the most important economic topic of our time – the massive intervention efforts (interventions, stimulus packages, bailouts, loans, job-creation programs, etc) that are, and will be, implemented in the hopes of improving the current perilous state of our economy. While much has been written extolling the virtues of such interventions, far less (in fact, an almost imperceptible amount) has been written concerning the potential negative ramifications of such intervention measures. This articles explain various potential negative ramifications – those aside from the most obvious, the cost of such programs.

The second, “Business Planning Principles Applied to the Stimulus / Intervention Efforts” offers suggestions as to how risk can be controlled, and effectiveness maximized, for the stimulus and intervention efforts. Please note this is not an endorsement of these efforts; it is suggestions as to how best manage the efforts as the stimulus/interventions are put into effect.

The third, “President-elect Obama’s Biggest Challenge” discusses the Obama Presidency and its interrelation with the economy. Typically, I don’t write about political figures (as this site is non-political in nature) but the current interrelationship between politics and the economy is paramount.

The fourth, “My Overall Thoughts on the Bailouts/Stimulus Measures/Interventions” summarizes my thoughts on the subject.

The fifth, “Predictions,” is not an article, but rather a recap of various forecasts and predictions made by others during the economic crisis. I have added my own comments as well. This recap is meant to highlight the difficulty of economic forecasting during this period. This difficulty is in and among itself very significant; and it should cast some uncertainty on the potential accuracy of current forecasts.

The sixth, “America's Economic Future - "Greenfield" or "Brownfield'?” examines a critical issue outside of the Financial Crisis - what should be done to position the United States for an undeniably prosperous economic future.